


The school Library is well equipped with variety of Books which provide information, inculcate ideas, moral values and develop knowledge that is very essential to function successfully in today's competitive world.


Sporting activities find an important place in our Institution. We recognize that play is one of the most natural and important forms of recreation. It is also the best way to improve one's health and spirits. Special coaches are appointed for training the students in various games like Cricket, Football, Shuttle Badminton, Volleyball, Throw Ball, Table Tennis, Netball & Chess.

All children should take part in Sports & Games. Children with health problems should give prior intimation to the school and are requested to desist from sports events.


Yoga has been an integral part of Health. It has a positive impact on psychosocial and mental development of students. It helps to create an atmosphere of confidence, enthusiasm and improves listening skills of students. It also increases concentration, focus and attention span of students.
Yoga classes are taken regularly by experienced yoga teacher.


Karate, (Japanese: "empty hand") unarmed martial-arts discipline employing kicking, striking, and defensive blocking with arms and legs. Karate is also associated with health benefits like improved cardiovascular health, stressing the heart and building strength apart from self defence. Karate classes are taken regularly by experienced teacher.

Abacus and Vedic maths

The school has arranged Abacus and Vedic maths classes to develop the students' ability to solve arithmetic calculations in the mind without the use of pen, paper or calculator. This training enables the students to develop skills like better Memory, Concentration, Logical Thinking, Visualization, Observation, Imagination, Creativity, and Reasoning & Analytical Ability. In today's world, time is very important and this tool (abacus) will help the children immensely as complex calculations can be done quickly and with accuracy.

Students are keenly participating in the competitions and have won many awards at District level & State level.

Next Education

The school has introduced Smart Class to make learning an enjoyable experience for students. It improves academic performance of the students. Students can witness the related information on the screen & this visual image gets registers in their memory easily. It also enables teachers to instantly assess and evaluate the learning achieved by the students in class room through various assignments and classroom activities. Studies show that students are gaining better Academic knowledge from the smart classes and hence the digital boards and smart class technology has been introduced. This in no way means that the regular chalk & talk method is replaced. The technology only supplements the learning methodology we have been following.

News Paper in Education

The school is a member of Times of India NIE student edition. The school encourages the students to subscribe NIE News paper to cultivate the habit of regular newspaper reading and to update the knowledge in all the areas. Students can improve their comprehensive skills, participate in different activities, including events which are informative, educative and entertainment- based. An array of workshops, privilege programmes, school reporter and star correspondent programmes are conducted by the Times NIE.

EasySchool Software

The school has introduced Easy School software during the academic year 2018-19. It is online software through which parents can receive all the information about unexpected holidays and daily attendance of the students through SMS and E-mail. Parents could use the online fees portal facility to make payment of their ward's fees.

House System

To encourage the competitive spirit among the students & to cultivate greater discipline, the school management has a House Division Scheme for the Students.

The pupils are divided into four groups in each class and are bunched together at school level so that each house will have members of all age groups. Each group is given a name and coded with a particular colour. The main objective of this system is to develop leadership skills, team spirit, coordination, mutual respect and care, which are the key ingredients for a successful life in today's competitive world.

Most of the competitions conducted in the school are in- line with house system mechanism in terms of participation and prizing. The four houses are named as below:

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow

Inter house project display on various topics, is conducted four times in a year to unearth the hidden talents and to nourish the younger minds for a bright and enterprising future.
It is compulsory for every student to be member of a house. Each house is under the charge of a
House Mistress along with House Masters and Prefects.

About School

Over the years, we have built a tradition of excellence at Sowbhagya English High School. We take pride in being a school where every student can find an avenue for success and being in a community where everyone strives to find the best in themselves and others. We have much to be proud of and we look forward to many more years of success and accomplishments.

The success of our students is built on the partnership we have between our staff, management, teachers and our dear parents. We are grateful that we have such an amazing relationship and we will continue to strive to be the type of school that our families can be proud to send their children to. Our entire staff works very hard to create a positive environment where every individuals unique strengths and talents are celebrated. We have a culture of high expectations for students and staff alike and it is our sincere goal that each and every one of our students graduates with a plan for the future and with the skills necessary to be successful in anything they do. The combination of focusing on our students’ academic success as well as their social and emotional well-being creates an environment where our students do amazing things every year.

We are proud of all of the opportunities we offer our students, with strong core academic programs as well as outstanding extracurricular programs, for the holistic development of our children. We have regular academic interventions to help ensure all of our students can reach their goals. The tradition of success of our students in fine and performing arts and sports program are second to none. We are proud to be a comprehensive high school where every student has opportunities in any area they pursue. We have a kind, caring, highly-qualified staff who truly believes that every one of our students can and will succeed.

Vision & Mission

Our Motto: Reaching New Horizons on Firm Foundation.

Our Vision: To produce consciencious, smart and confidence citizens of India.

Our Mission: To continue to do what we have always done, develop the school and the students with integrity and values; also, to give our students the best opportunities and the best all round education. With this concept in mind Sowbhagya English High School has been established in 2003 to provide quality education and to inculcate wisdom, compassion and a humanitarian spirit among the students.